
Navy Option

During their senior year, midshipmen are assigned into one of the various warfare communities the Navy has to offer. Service assignment is based on preference, midshipman performance, and the needs of the Navy at the time of assignment.

Unrestricted Line Officer Communities

Surface Warfare

Submarine Warfare


Special Warfare


Restricted Line Officer Communities

Engineering Duty Officer (EDO)

Intelligence Officer

Information Professional Officer

Cryptologic Warfare Officer

Meteorology and Oceanography Officer (METOC)

Naval Reactors Engineer

Note: Most graduates of the NROTC program are assigned into an unrestricted line community. Restricted line designations are very competitive and few in availability.


Marine Option

After graduation, newly commissioned 2nd Lts attend The Basic School (TBS). While at TBS, 2nd Lts list their preferences for their Military Occupation Specialty (MOS). MOS assignment is based on performance at TBS.

Prior to commissioning, marine option midshipmen can compete for a guaranteed aviation contract.

Marine Corps Officer MOS