Navy Option Midshipmen

There are a plethora of resources for an aspiring Naval officer throughout the internet. The links outlined below are only a brief introduction to what a Navy Option midshipman should familiarize himself/herself with in preparation of becoming a junior grade officer. Please do not consider these resources all-encompassing.

Official and Administrative:

Official Messages (ALNAVs)

NSTC NROTC Regulations for Officer Development (ROD)

General Military Knowledge:

11 General Orders of a Sentry

Leadership Principles

Leadership Traits

USMC / USN Enlisted Rank Structure

USMC / USN Officer Rank Structure

U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations

Navy Information Page by LCDR (Ret.) Kelly Beamsley

SECNAV M-5216.5 Naval Correspondence Manual

Physical Fitness:

Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Standards and Explanations