CDR Haden U. Patrick, USN
Executive Officer
Asst Professor of Naval Science
CDR Patrick was born and raised in Northern Virginia. A 1997 graduate of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, he earned his naval commission through the Naval ROTC program at UVA. He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in History.
His first tour of duty was aboard USS Boone (FFG 28), where he served as Combat Information Center Officer and later, the Training Officer. Following successful completion of the Navy nuclear propulsion training pipeline, CDR Patrick reported to the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in January 2001 where he served as a Reactor Mechanical Division Officer and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
In August 2005, CDR Patrick reported to USS Samuel B Roberts (FFG 58) and served an eighteen month tour as the Operations Officer. In March 2007, CDR Patrick reported to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) as the Reactor Electrical Assistant. Upon completion of his two year tour, he attended the College of Naval Command and Staff at the U.S. Naval War College, commencing in February of 2009. He graduated with distinction, obtaining a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies as well as the completion of his Joint Professional Military Education Phase 1(JPME I).
March 2011, he reported to his first west coast assignment as Executive Officer of USS Ingraham (FFG 61). His two year tour included deployment to the U.S. Southern Command AOR for combating transnational organized crime operations. Additionally, he completed a short term emergent fill as Executive Officer aboard USS Gary (FFG 51) prior to taking orders to USS Ronald Reagan(CVN 76). After seeing Reactor Department on Ronald Reagan through Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2014 followed by an on time completion of an eight month Planned Incremental Availability, CDR Patrick supported the first ever three carrier hull swap and reported aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in October 2015.
CDR Patrick’s tours ashore include assignment as Division Director/Instructor at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Charleston, South Carolina and a seven month GSA deployment to Stuttgart, Germany where he directed a watch team in support of the Joint Operations Center at U.S. European Command’s Plans and Operations Center. He is currently assigned as Executive Officer of the NROTC Unit Rutgers University.
CDR Patrick’s awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, seven Navy Commendation Medals; Joint Service Achievement Medal and various unit and service awards.